What is a Double Chin?
Submental fat, otherwise known as a double chin, is the buildup of fat or sagging skin under the jaw. A double chin can develop from weight gain or rapid weight loss. Unfortunately for fitness buffs, double chins can also occur naturally from aging. Their appearance can be due to a number of genetic and environmental factors, but regardless of how submental fat forms, its appearance is usually unwelcome. This buildup of excess skin and fat can make one feel older, heavier, and less attractive.
Double Chin Reduction Treatments
SculpSure and CoolSculpting are both non-surgical, non-invasive solutions for removing excess body fat. These contouring devices are designed to help you shed pounds in the abdomen, back, thighs, and chin. While many fat reduction treatments can take a long time, SculpSure and CoolSculpting act quickly and leads to fabulous results. We also offer Kybella injectable treatments, which use deoxycholic acid to specifically target submental fat.
How Long Does Treatment Take?
SculpSure and CoolSculpting treatments can be done in as little as 30 minutes. For best results, most clients require two sessions spaced six weeks apart. After a non-invasive laser treatment set, you can expect to see optimal results in roughly 12 weeks.*
Most patients begin seeing the effects of Kybella after three treatment sessions, but up to six may be needed for the best results.*
Request Double Chin Removal in Palm Springs
Don’t spend another minute not being in love with your profile. Request a consultation with Envē today by calling 760-699-2832 or submitting your information via the form below. We’re looking forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic ideal.